Year Built:
Permit Date: |
1928 7/10/1928 |
Harry M. Ramsey |
William Greenwood |
Cost to Build:
$12,000 |
(On Permit Date): |
Anne Lyman, Newton |
First Residents:
Anne Lyman |
The second house to be built on Blake Road in Blake Park, #43 was built by William Greenwood and designed by Harry M. Ramsey, both of whom were active elsewhere in Blake Park as well (though not always together).
The first resident of this house was Annie P. Lyman. She was the widow of Anson M. Lyman, an attorney with the Boston firm Perkins & Lyman. The Lymans had lived on Buckminster Road in 1920, according to the U.S. Census, although Annie Lyman lived in Newton prior to moving to Blake Road. She appeared in the street list at this address from 1929 through 1936.
The 1930 Census listed: Annie P. Lyman, 73; and her grandson Standish L. Smith, 15. The house was valued at $18,000.
The next family at 43 Blake Road was that of John T. and Ellen J. Parks. They were listed at this address in the Street List from 1937 through 1945. John's occupation was listed as "salesman" at first and later as "engineer." John Parks had previously lived at 42 Welland Road in Blake Park with his mother and two brothers.
Bertha A. and Nathan G. Lyman were listed at this address in 1946 and 1947. Nathan was a salesman. They had previously lived on Bonad Road. It is unclear whether they were related to Anne Lyman though it appears not to be the case.